Monday, 21 September 2015

Film Night

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Marie Vellenoweth Photo Presentaion

Marie Vellenoweth was born in Perranuthnoe in 1913 She lived in the village all her life to reach the grand age of 100 years.  During that period she never married but always had a keen interest in the crafts from knitting and crochet to tatting and bead-work. Amongst these interests was photography which she pursued with a passion well into old age and embraced the era of digital photography as she did everything else.  I remember one time she bought (yet another) new camera, thinking she didn’t understand it I asked her how many pixels it had and she came straight back with the answer.

On her 99th birthday she was given an iPad and had broadband installed which she thoroughly enjoyed and enabled her to keep in touch with village life through the Perranuthnoe website and one of the last memories I have of her was surfing the site and watching the video of her opening the new village hall.

Tim Hudson, Marie's nephew

Marie Vellenoweth died on Friday 10th January 2014 peacefully in her sleep with her family around her.

Miss Marion Trevenen Vellenoweth - known as Marie - aged 100 years of Perranuthnoe.

Here is her photo presentation: Marie's Presentation