Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Native Tree Planting

We have 2 more events - Fri 10th and Fri 17th December for native tree planting. Both sessions run 1-4pm at the farm and we ask that volunteers email me to reserve a spot (we welcome maximum of ten). We'll serve refreshments at 4pm and we ask that volunteers bring a spade, and wrap up warm. 

We're planting for regenerative purposes - for biodiversity and for better protection for crops, including our agroforestry trial. Lucas will run the sessions and can share detailed information about our plans to regenerate this former mining site.

My email address is mark@trenowfields.co.uk

Thanks so much!


Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Free Glass

I have various sizes of old greenhouse and shed glass if anybody needs spare glass, the largest pieces are about 4 1/2’ x 2 1/2’; all free!

Alistair, Sea Green, 07751 565454