Friday, 7 March 2008

Dog Beach Ban Altered

Penwith District Council have reviewed and altered the dog ban on beaches orders.

The new orders state that from 1st May to 30th September dogs are banned from the beach between the hours of 8am and 7pm.

"These new beach bans will be reviewed in October 2008 and if it becomes evident that there has been an increase in dog fouling on the beaches during the summer months the Orders may well be extended to cover a 24 hour period.

Penwith recognises that many dog owners are responsible and pick up their mess and it is a small minority that don't. The message is abuse this flexible ban and loose it, don't be one of the minority who spoil it for the majority - pick up after your dog.

Any person found taking their dog onto a beach when the ban is in operation will be liable to a fixed penalty ticket of £75 reduced to £50 is paid within 10 days of issue."
-End quote-

Dog walkers should be aware that the whole of the beach, including the area below Trebarvah, is affected.

These links will take you to the relevant information;


Thanks to Paul of Quilkyns for bringing this to our attention.

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