Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Updated - Horses on beach complaint

Below is a copy of an email I have received;

Please can you do something to get the schooling of horses on the beach stopped.

I went to your beach last Saturday with my 2 young grandchildren, and was horrified to find a trail of horse dung across the path leading down to and in various places on the beach.

I'm told this is a regular thing - but if dogs are banned to avoid problems with them fouling the beach then so should the same rule apply to the horses.

I have brought the problem to the attention of the Penwith Council and hope together you can control the obvious health and safety risk which you appear to condone at present.

John McCarthy

Please feel free to add your comments to this issue. I have heard similar complaints myself mainly with regard to the possible danger of such a powerful animal being exercised where children are playing.


Herewith the reply I've received from Penwith. As suggested maybe your local community officials should contact the Health & Safety Officer to supply the horse owners name, who I was told had their stables in Perranuthnoe.

John McCarthy

Dear Mr McCarthy

Thank you for your comments. At present there is no legislation that bans horses from beaches in Penwith at any time of the year. It is not something that I would have any control over, but if you are able to provide details of the owner of the horse I can pass the information on to a Health and Safety Officer in case they are able to look into the matter.

Kind regards
Jason Williams

Jason Williams
Dog Welfare and Enforcement Officer
Penwith District Council
St Clare
TR18 3QW
01736 336641

1 comment:

  1. Dear All
    St Piran's Stud is as you know part of the village community. Since our opening in 2001 we have had a policy or dung removal both from the beach and from around the village confines. This is not something we are legally required to do, but have always felt that it is a responsible action for us and helps maintain good village relations. We rarely exercise the horses on the beach or around the village, but some of you may have seen us with the truck and pooh bucket if we have done. We were contacted by the local authority and reasured them that this was our policy and would remain so. I would be saddened to see any attempt to remove horses ability to exercise on the beach as it is such a therapuetic environment for the. I suspect that a key reason why horses have never been banned and dung removal required is to do with risk associated with dung, which relative to dog faeces is very low. Dog faeces are likely to cause a health hazard to people as they contain bacteria that can cause stomach upsets if ingested. The greatest risk to public health is toxocariasis, and young children are particularly susceptible to this. I suspect that the 'visibility' of horse dung (whilst unsightly) also reduces the chances of it being stood in or picked up - I do not however think this is a reason to leave it there. So I would like to let everyone know that St Piran's Stud will continue to support the cleanliness of our beaches by continuing with its policy of dung removal.
    Rachel Bettens
