Monday, 28 November 2011

Perranuthnoe Christmas Tree 2011

Perranuthnoe Christmas Tree 2011 - will be lit Friday 16th December. The following activities are planned for the evening;

6.00 - 8.00 - Lynfield Craft Centre Christmas Extravaganza!!

Village Crafts invite you for a complementary glass of sherry and hot jacket poatoes and offers 10% discount all all purchases for this evening only

Peppercorn Cafe invite you for a complementary hot beverage and pizza slice.

7.00 pm - The tree will be blessed and the carols begin.

7.15 pm - Santa will arrive with gifts for Village children UNDER 12 years of age

Mulled wine and 'nibbles' will be provided afterwards at the Victoria Inn

Residents who wish to request a childs gift from Santa, please return your slip by 9th December at the latest!!!

To download a slip please click here

Donations of mince pies and sausage rolls, please return slips by 9th December.


  1. Where do I get a slip from for Santa please?


  2. Hello there, please use the link below to download the slip.
    Thank you
