Two events for your diaries both in aid of the Village Jubilee Party
Last Pub Quiz (until the Autumn)
Wednesday 18th April at 8.00 pm
Raffle (donations of prizes welcome)
Entrance £2.00 per person to include 'nibbles'
All proceeds to Perranuthnoe Village Jubilee Party
All welcome
Breakfast Morning
Saturday 28th April - 9.00 - 10.30 pm
Stewart will be cooking local bacon or sausage sandwiches with a hot drink for £4.00 - or as an alternative we will offer a selection of homemade sweet breakfast muffins etc with a hot drink also at £4.00
We will be having a 'bottle' tombola (donations of prizes - anything in a bottle, from wine to shampoo!! - would be most welcome)
Please come along and support this event - All welcome
If you able to help, either by serving etc on the 28th, able to bake muffins or similar to serve at the breakfast, or by donating a bottle for the tombola - please contact Andrea on 719042 or email