Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Perranuthnoe Film Night

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

6 - 12 Month Rental Accommodation Wanted

I would like to find rental accommodation for myself and my 20 yr old autistic daughter (she's no trouble) in Perranuthnoe. I am looking for a quiet sanctuary for us for 6-12 months while we decide what her mext move will be. I have SSTC my house here at Cape Cornwall and really love Perranuthnoe. 

Thanks Tel: 01736 786267

Accommodtion Wanted This Weekend

We are visiting Perranuthnoe this weekend and wondered if there was any accommodation availability ideally just for (or including)  the night of Saturday 14th Jan for two adults and two small dogs?

Many thanks in advance,

Please comment below or email here

Monday, 9 January 2017

Pub Quiz - Wednesday 11th January 8.00 pm

The first Quiz of the New Year will be held at the Victoria Inn on
Wednesday 11th January 8.00 pm start
Usual format – teams of 6 maximum please - £2.00 per person entry
All proceeds donated to the winning teams chosen charity
Complementary snacks at ‘half time’
All welcome!

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Perranuthnoe Christmas Tree Help Needed

Volunteers are needed to help take down the tree on
Saturday 7th January at 9.30am.
For further information telephone Yvonne on 710070

The Christmas Tree Committee would like to wish everyone a very
Happy New Year