Friday, 2 October 2020

A Message from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

As many of you will know, over the last few years the Parish Council and community volunteers have been working on developing the Perranuthnoe Parish Neighbourhood Plan. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this process.

The Plan gives us a chance to guide how planning decisions are made here, an opportunity to play a real role in shaping the future of this Parish. It can help to achieve the sort of development that local communities want, and to protect the resources and places that are most valued.

Consultation on the draft Plan has been extended to November 10th

We would like to thank all those who have taken the time to share their thoughts and comments on the draft Plan, and to encourage those who have not yet done so to provide their feedback.

All relevant documents and information can be found on:

Please use the Feedback Form to let us know:

 -  which are the issues and policies in the draft Plan which you feel are most important

And / or

  - what do you feel is missing or incorrect and why

Thank You! ... Let’s forge a stronger Parish together!

David Barlow
Perranuthnoe Parish Clerk

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