Friday, 18 July 2008

Updated - Concern over planning application

Update - Rachel & Paul have put together a leaflet outlining their plans and the likely impact on the village. If you would like to have a copy please telephone 711042

A villager has expressed concern over an application for planning permission at Millstones, Perranuthnoe.

Although the outline permission is only for the construction of a timber framed dwelling the villager in question has expressed concerns over the plans for the future that Millstones may have with regard to expanding their horse business.

This website is not here to make, break or hinder any business or personal plans in anyway. Therefore I will not go into detail about any plans that may or may not be in place and would suggest that anyone wanting further information contact Millstones direct (contact information can be found on their website or indeed view the application themselves.

The public can inspect planning applications during normal office hours at the Sustainable Development and Improvement Reception, St. Clare, Penzance. There is no charge for viewing applications.

The application reference number is 08-0871-O*
Applications marked with * potentially affect the route/setting of a Public Right of Way.

Please feel free to make your own comments by clicking on 'comments' or 'post a comment' below.

1 comment:

  1. Dear All Just a quick message to say that Paul and I are happy to fully explain and discuss our proposals for planning. Please give us a call on Tel 01736 711042 and we can arrange to either come and see you OR you come and see us.

    We want you to feel that the application is a positive addition to the village and we whole heartedly wish to continue to run our business in a way that enhances the village.

    Regards Rachel and Paul
