Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Helping To Keep Perranuthnoe safe

New Perranuthnoe
Neighbourhood Watch Group

Residents of Perranuthnoe are looking to re-establish their own neighbourhood watch group with the aim of keeping the village as safe as it always has been.

Neighbourhood Watch is about looking out for each other, acting together as the eyes and ears of the neighbourhood and picking up on anything that could cause concern or worry.

Similarly, the police have a role in sharing information about recent crimes in the neighbourhood so that members can stay vigilant, and have the opportunity to take appropriate precautions to avoid becoming victims themselves.

If you are a resident of Perranuthnoe and would like to become a member or find out more please contact;

  • Kevin Sansom (Village Crafts) – 711808

  • Stewart Eddy (Victoria Inn) - 710309

  • Kay Bowman (The Old Chapel) - 710565

  • Email - perranweb[at]hotmail[dot]

Neighbourhood Watch is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention initiatives ever.

Free To Join

1 comment:

  1. My apologies to everyone who said that they would like to become a member of Perranuthnoe Neighbourhood Watch.
    I am still waiting for the information packs, stickers and street signs.
    I have now requested these twice from the district co-ordinator, who says they will be with us 'dreckly'.
