Saturday, 7 September 2013

How Do You Feel About The Parking Problem In Perranuthnoe?

Dear Perranuthnoe
There was a meeting of the Parrish Council last evening and one of the topics up for discussion was the parking situation in Perranuthnoe. As everyone knows, this summer the parking has varied from the diabolical to down right dangerous.
The Parrish Councils take on it all is that Perranuthnoe was offered yellow lines before but none of the villagers could agree so nothing was done at all.  Their second take on is that it has only been bad this summer because the weather was nice,  (previous years have been fine !) Their other point of view is even if the village was agreed it would join the pile of things  for the CC to do and could take another two years………… unless a case could be made for health and safety – either for traffic, pedestrians or 999 emergency within the village itself. I think the village could make a case on all three counts.
So what to do about it? Apparently a petition counts a just one letter, so the Parrish Council advised that as many people as possible write with their concerns to the following people;-
Mr Bert Biscoe Cornwall Council( Portfolio holder for highways)
Cornwall Council
County Hall
Treyew Rd
Truro TR1 3AY
Arthur Hooper Managing Director Cormac Solutions
c/o Western Region,
Radnor Rd,
TR16 5EH
You must include a Health & Safety element and I would suggest that you bullet point the issues.
One of the associated issues was the cost of the car park at £3.50 regardless of whether you are there for the day or ½ hour.  This is up for re- tendering this month. As you know CC reduced its cost of the parking in Penzance and Longrock CC car park is only £1 for the day. Does CC have to accept the highest tender? Is it something the village could run themselves on a rota basis? Could there be a sliding scale of prices ie/ £1 for 1-2 hours for example. The person (another letter to write) who is responsible for this is Lizzy Hibbard, Property Manager and the rest of the address is the same as County Hall. Her number is 01872 324876 . The loos in the village will be part of the car park contract otherwise they would have been closed.
At the end of the day we will all have a slightly different opinion as to where double yellows, single yellows and residents parking areas go.  If we do nothing - nothing will happen, if we all write -something could happen.  And perhaps we could all agree to the common denominator to try to ease the situation next summer.  That is to say, get the main trouble spots sorted and the others can be reviewed again. If you know a neighbour who would support this but is not connected to a computer could you print this off or jot down the addresses so they can have their say too.
Over to you
Best wishes Karen Wall

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