Friday, 27 September 2013

Parking In Perran - Idea

The Parish Councillor who has taken interest in our difficulties has given me a street map of Perranuthnoe and asked me to mark on it where I think double yellows, single yellows, residents parking bays -or no changes should go. Chris ball and Jack Trewhella who both attended the last Parrish council meeting also have been sent a map each to do likewise.

However, I think that 3 people deciding for the whole village will leave us open at CC level to them saying that 3 views are not representative and therefore give them an excuse to do nothing.

If I photocopied the map for everyone to have I suspect that there will be as many views as there are copies and therefore again CC will say we cannot make our minds up and still do nothing.

So how about this idea for a compromise - text me 07980 313739 or email me with what you think should happen in your road where you live (ie - yellow x2 yellows x1, res parking or no change) . Also tell me what should happen to the roads where there are no houses ( ie Perran Hill out of the village).

If you are happy for me to do this then I will transcribe your views onto the one map and enclose it with a list of names of the people who have contributed. I will mark the map democratically and have no axe to grind as the only bit of road that affects me is coming down Perran Hill and wanting to do a right turn towards the church.

I will give what responses I have to the Parrish Council at their next meeting which is on Thur 3rd Oct

If anyone has a better idea then I will go along with that

Thanks for your time Karen Wall

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