Friday, 23 November 2018

Public Consultation

The Parish Council is working on a draft Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is designed to give communities more control over the type, location, size, pace and design of development in their area. When it is complete, the Neighbourhood Plan will be voted upon by all Parishioners.  If it is passed, it will be used by the Parish Council and Cornwall Council when considering development in the Parish.  A Neighbourhood Plan gives us all a chance to input into the future of our lovely Parish.  As part of the plan drafting process, we are working on a "Landscape Character Assessment" document and, as a vital part of this, we would like to gather your views on what you value particularly in our Parish - be it a place, a memory, a view, etc.  If you can make it to St Piran's Hall this Saturday, you can give us your input in person as we will have a table at the Christmas Fair which is running from 1pm - 4pm. If you cannot make the Fair, then please email your views to us at:  

We will be posting the current draft of the Landscape Character Assessment on the Parish Council website so that you can review the full document.  It has one chapter missing - your views - so please do get in contact and help us to complete that section.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't change a thing. Perranuthnoe is lovely just the way it is..
