Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Perranuthnoe Film Night

Fisherman's Friends

Friday 27th January at 7pm
The Church Hall

All donations go to church funds

Monday, 27 January 2020

Perranuthnoe Residents

On Monday 13th January an impromptu meeting was held in the Victoria Inn regarding village issues (mostly planning, holiday lets and parking). We're aware that word of this meeting did not reach all residents. We agreed that we would set up a communication network for now and maybe look to creating a formal residents' association in the future.

If you would like to receive emailed notifications and summaries of the meeting please email perrancomms@gmail.com with your name and address and we'll add you to the mailing list.

If you don't have an email address please provide your name and address by popping a note into Yvonne's mailbox (at The Lodge) or ask a neighbour to keep you updated!

There will be another meeting on 27th january at 5pm in the Victoria Inn, regarding parking and traffic issues in the village. There are maps available from The Lodge now for you to mark your suggestions.

Note this communication channel is for residents only.

Niki G, Peter L and Sally L

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Community meeting

Following the community meeting at the Victoria Inn on the 13th January all who gave their contact details should have received an email summary. If not please check your spam folder. If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Peter Linton at perrancomms@gmail.com.

The next meeting will be on Monday 27th January at 5pm in the Victoria Inn and will be specifically to discuss traffic and parking. Maps of the current parking restrictions are available from Yvonne Groves (in her mail box, outside The Lodge). Your feedback is welcomed, preferably in advance of the meeting by email or Yvonne’s mail box.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

To All Perranuthnoe Residents

There will be a meeting in 
The Victoria Inn at 5pm on Monday 13th January  
to discuss issues concerning the community.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Quiz Night

Quiz Night at the Victoria Inn, Perranuthnoe

Thursday 9th January at 8.00 pm

Entry fee £2.00 per person 
(all takings are donated to the winning teams charity of choice) 
maximum of 6 per team please!

A great fun quiz, lots of laughs, All Welcome!

The questions will be asked by Dave Sharp this week!

The winners of the last quiz before Christmas donated the proceeds to 'Food for Families'