Thursday, 5 February 2009

Boat Cove - Latest Update

The National Trust has through Health and Safety issues forced the removal of the old slipway, (which has been done) with the shed to be removed as soon as the weather conditions allow.

The Trust is still open to a replacement shed being built at some time, but in view of growing opposition to any replacement by some members of the community, this is now unlikely to take place.

It is very sad that after the initial support for shed and slip, this community has effectively ended generations of small boat fishing from Boat Cove.

Submitted by Kevin Samson

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update - I think that it is such a shame that one of the last reminders of Perranuthnoes fishing industry will go from the site of the traditional boat sheds. I have included some pictures of Boat Cove taken last year when its future first came into doubt, in my blog The Ednovean Diaries - do take a look

    best wishes
