Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Site Cleared At Boat Cove

The shed and slip at Boat Cove have now been removed marking the end of an era for what was once a much needed facility.

After no solution could be found to extend the life of this amenity Ian Hicks was left with the unenviable task of removing both the shed and the slip.

Although the lease had been passed back to the National Trust Ian was still in the frame for clearing the site.

Ian said:

" I was able to save some money by enlisting the help of my son-in-law with his tractor and his ability with a digger, but it was very hard work at least 3-4 days .

The cost of Recycling is huge the last trailer load, with bagged up asbestos, metal and plastic was nearly £300, there were 4 other loads of wood and Ivy that I hope will come in a lot cheaper, so the quote we were given by the Trust of just under £2,000 all done was fair value".

So there we have it, the end of Boat Cove as we knew it. All life changes, whether we like the changes or not is another thing.

The Trust would like to point out they are still very keen to have your comments, ideas and opinions about Boat Cove and its future, particularly regarding the use of the cove by boat owners, and access to the beach. You can contact Julie Hanson, Warden for Godolphin and Mount's Bay on 01736 762479 or Julie.Hanson@nationaltrust.org.uk

Photos courtesy of Ian Hicks

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