Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Perranuthnoe Christmas Tree 2015

If you would like a form please click here to download one.
***If you would like a gift from Santa, your completed form must be in by 4th December latest***

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Charity Fun Quiz

Wednesday 11th November at The Victoria Inn 8.00pm start
Entry £2 per person to include complementary nibbles at half time!
Maximum of 6 per team please.
All Welcome

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Update on Superfast Cornwall - But Superslow Perranuthnoe?

Dear All,

We think - and hope- that there is good news for everyone who has posted on this site or has emailed us regarding 'Perranuthnoe superslow fibre broadband'.

On 21 October there were 2 BT Openreach vans in the village, with manhole covers being lifted. We spoke to the engineers, who were from the 'copper team' in St Austell and were very helpful. They had a 'job card' to investigate the copper/aluminium cable story and to replace any aluminium cable between Perran Cross and the cabinet opposite the pub. There is apparently a recent 100-pair copper cable (installed in 2013?), which connects most people in the village, and the engineers were uncertain about the extent of aluminium cable (the manholes had a lot of mud in them, with the aluminium cable possibly hidden). In addition, the cabinet box near the pub is in a bad state.

The team was back yesterday, this time with an additional job card to replace the box, which will be done by a contractor as the first step. The cable replacement will require traffic management (lights?) for a couple of days, and this is being organised. They then hope to replace the aluminium cable.

With the necessary BT authorisations and the ST Austell 'copper team' on the case it looks like we should see the work done in November - let's keep our fingers crossed! We will keep an eye out and post any news on action.

Jane Grey

Monday, 2 November 2015

Perranuthnoe Calendar 2016

Sold in aid of the Perranuthnoe Christmas Tree Fund

Copies of the popular Perranuthnoe Calendar for 2016 are now available at a cost of £6 each. Obtain your copy from Andrea at The Old Post Office ( Village Crafts, The Victoria Inn or The Cabin.


The photos are by Jim and Sue Mason and the calendars are printed by VistaPrint. Profits will go towards this years Village Christmas lights and the children's gifts from Santa!
Numbers are limited, so get yours early!